ZIARUL FINANCIAR vă invită pentru a dezbate următoarele teme:
Ce este restructurarea preventiva? Cine poate apela la procedurile de restructurare preventiva?
Cum vor interactiona debitorii si creditorii in contextul restructurarii preventive a afacerii – sunt ei suficient protejati?
Exista apetit din partea creditorilor pentru a sustine restructurarea preventiva? In ce conditii?
Ingredientele unei restructurari de succes
Provocarile pe care le poate aduce o procedura de restructurare
Toate aceste subiecte vor fi abordate de moderatorul Dana Ciriperu, redactor sef adjunct, Ziarul Financiar, împreună cu invitaţii conferinţei:
- Av. Geanina Oancea-Olteanu -Senior Partner BDO Business Restructuring SPRL
- Lucian Bondoc – Managing Partner Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
- Simona Petrisor – Partner Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
- Alexis Hojabr – Partner White & Case Paris
- Ioana Ciucu - NPE& Monitoring Director Unicredit Bank Romania
- Vlad Micu - Credit Restructuring Director Banca Transilvania
- Dragos Anastasiu - Owner/CEO EUROLINES Romania
- Corneliu Bodea - CEO ADREM, President at Romanian Energy Center (CRE)
ZIARUL FINANCIAR invites you to discuss the following main topics:
What is preventive restructuring? Who can apply for preventive restructuring procedures?
How will debtors and creditors interact in the context of preventive restructuring of the business - are they protected enough?
Is there appetite from creditors to support preventive restructuring? Under what conditions?
The ingredients of a successful restructuring
The challenges of a restructuring procedure
All these topics will be addressed by the moderator Dana Ciriperu, deputy editor-in-chief, Ziarul Financiar, together with the guests of the conference:
- Lwy. Geanina Oancea-Olteanu -Senior Partner BDO Business Restructuring SPRL
- Lucian Bondoc – Managing Partner Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
- Simona Petrisor – Partner Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
- Alexis Hojabr – Partner White & Case Paris
- Ioana Ciucu - NPE& Monitoring Director Unicredit Bank Romania
- Vlad Micu - Credit Restructuring Director Banca Transilvania
- Dragos Anastasiu - Owner/CEO EUROLINES Romania
- Corneliu Bodea - CEO ADREM, President at Romanian Energy Center (CRE)