Director Office Agency , Cushman & Wakefield Echinox
Vice-President, Genesis Property
Ştefan Tudos s-a alăturat în anul 2008 companiei Genesis Property, preluând rolul de CFO.
În prezent, Ştefan ocupă funcţia de Vice President şi este responsabil de relaţia cu instituţiile financiare şi de administrarea portofoliului de clienţi. Ştefan este absolvent al a Facultăţii de Finanţe Bănci şi Contabilitate şi, înainte de a se alătura echipei Genesis Property, a lucrat pentru companii precum ABN AMRO Bank şi Citibank.
Business developer manager, Iulius
Raluca Munteanu s-a alăturat companiei IULIUS în 2012, mai întâi ca Marketing Specialist şi apoi, din 2013, a fost promovată ca Business Development Manager.
Rolul său actual în cadrul companiei IULIUS este de a facilita implementarea numeroaselor iniţiative strategice la nivel de grup, precum şi de a identifica noi oportunităţi. Este parte a echipei de dezvoltare şi este implicată în toate noile proiecte din portofoliul companiei IULIUS.
Head Of Sales Office, Industry, Retail & Hospitality SEE, Signify
Since 2007, Silviu was involved in growing New Business, creating the Strategy and finding the best Sales path in order to penetrate the market, nurture and steadily develop innovative products, systems and services.
In his current position, he develops an entrepreneurial way of working, taking on great challenges and coordinating international teams. He is also responsible for the creation of a healthy environment for the cutting-edge technology of lighting systems and services, used in the Office, Industry, Retail & Hospitality market segments. His focus is to gain knowledge of the international market trends and create a breakthrough strategy on international, regional and local levels, advising the customers on the various models that support their business in being sustainable, more energy and cost efficient, dynamic and connected.
True to his customer-oriented approach, he makes sure to provide the best pre-sales and after-sales services and support, continuously analyzing the implemented lighting solutions and acting accordingly to the project’s goals, thus allowing the customer to keep his mind focused on his business and take full advantage of the provided benefits.