Director Cercetare Ameninţări Informatice, Bitdefender
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Cybersecurity Sales Specialist , Cisco România
General Director, Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team CERT-RO
country manager Romania şi Moldova, Bitdefender
Global Cybersecurity Services Head of Portfolio and Service Engineering, Atos IT Solutions and Services
director general, GTS Telecom
Răzvan Stoica are o experienţă vastă în vânzări şi administrarea afacerilor din domeniul IT&C. Începând cu anul 2013, el ocupă funcţia de General Manager în cadrul GTS Telecom, unul dintre principalii furnizori de servicii IT&C din România.
Razvan s-a alăturat GTS Telecom în anul 2000 în funcţia de Sales Manager. În anul 2005 a preluat funcţia de Director de Operaţiuni iar în 2012 a devenit Director de Vânzări. Pe parcursul celor peste 18 ani de activitate în cadrul companiei, Răzvan a coordonat importante proiecte de dezvoltare şi transformare a companiei care au contribuit la consolidarea afacerii, precum şi la creşterea calităţii serviciilor oferite clienţilor săi.
Răzvan este absolvent al Facultăţii de Electronică, Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei din cadrul Universităţii Politehnica din Bucureşti şi deţine o diplomă MBA de la Universitatea Sheffield din Marea Britanie.
Cyber Security Expert, Orange Romania
CEO Dendrio, VP of Technology Bittnet Group
Manager Security Solutions, Telekom Romania
Vasile Voicu is the manager of Managed Security Solutions Telekom Romania. A highly-accomplished versatile telecommunications executive with 15 years professional experience and a proven track record in telecommunication and cybersecurity markets. Mr. Voicu hold various roles both in commercial and technical fields: Cybersecurity, Routing & Switching Product Marketing, Sales, Presales. He hold a BSc in Electronics and Telecommunications engineering from the University Polytechnic of Bucharest , MBA in Strategic Management and several postgraduate studies in business management, marketing and strategy.
Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) & Head of Product Security , Ericsson
Mikko Karikytö is the Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) & Head of Product Security for Ericsson with accountability for security requirements, standards, strategy and architecture, related to product development and management, and overall accountability of product security and product privacy.
He is senior advisor on Product and Solution Security to the CTO, and other executive Ericsson leaders. Mikko has previously worked as Head of Network Security and Head of PSIRT (Product Security Incident Response Team) responding, investigating and solving cyber security incidents and breaches with Ericsson customers globally.
Mikko has also engaged in industry collaboration through organizations like ETIS, FIRST and EU Commission work groups. He has also provided Subject Matter Expertise for committee hearings of the UK parliament and the German Bundestag in 5G Security.
Chief Technology Officer, Metaminds
CISO , Superbet Group