
Când: 09 mai 2022, în intervalul orar 09:30 – 11:30


Bondoc si Asociatii şi Ziarul Financiar organizează videoconferinţa „FINANŢAREA TRANZIŢIEI LA O ACTIVITATE DURABILĂ. Sunt pieţele de capital PARTE DIN soluţie?” în cadrul căreia vom aborda aspecte legate de evolutia finantarilor durabile/cu componenta ESG pe piata de capital si principalele beneficii/riscuri ale acestora.


Pe scurt, videoconferinta isi propune sa contribuie la o mai buna intelegere a situatiei actuale si tendintelor asteptate la nivel european si in Romania cu privire la finantarea durabila prin piata de capital si modul in care aceasta poate contribui la finantarea tranzitiei la o activitate durabila intr-un context reglementar extrem de dinamic si nu foarte usor de asimilat.





Are the ESG capital markets part of the solution?


When: Monday 9 may 2022, between 09:30 – 11:30


Bondoc & Asociatii and Ziarul Financiar organize the videoconference „FINANCING THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS. ARE THE ESG CAPITAL MARKETS PART OF THE SOLUTION?” in which we will address issues related to the evolution of sustainable finance on the capital markets and their main benefits/risks.


In short, the videoconference aims to contribute to a better understanding of the current status and the expected trends at European and Romanian level sustainable finance through the capital markets and how it can contribute to the financing of the transition to a sustainable activity in the context of an extremely dynamic and not always easy to digest regulatory framework.



Află mai multe
  • Situaţia actuală si perspectivele pe pieţele de capital in ceea ce priveşte finanţările durabile
  • Impactul reglementarilor europene asupra dezvoltării finanţării durabile pe piaţa de capital
  • Impactul războiului din Ucraina si REPower EU asupra instrumentelor de finantare prin piata de capital de tip ESG
  • Tipurile de instrumente de finanţare durabila pe piaţa de capital si diferenţele fata de instrumentele tradiţionale de finanţare prin piaţa de capital
  • Pregătirea unei finanţări durabile prin piaţa de capital
  • Beneficiile si riscurile (inclusiv legate de greenwashing) finantarilor durabile pe piaţa de capital
  • Vor deveni finanţările durabile pe piaţa de capital noul „normal”?


Toate aceste subiecte vor fi abordate de moderatorul Dana Ciriperu, redactor sef adjunct, Ziarul Financiar, împreună cu invitaţii videoconferinţei:

  • Iuliana Musat – Senior Director Investment Banking, Raiffeisen Bank S.A.
  • Irina Neacsu - Director Executiv Corporate Finance, BRD Groupe Societe Generale
  • Iuliana Tiba – Director Divizie Mediu Social si Finanţare cu Impact Pozitiv, BRD Groupe Societe Generale
  • Kibii Sisulu -  Director Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions
  • Karsten Wöckener – Executive Partner, White & Case LLP
  • Simona Petrisor – Avocat asociat, Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
  • Diana Ispas – Avocat asociat, Bondoc si Asociatii SCA




ZIARUL FINANCIAR invites you to discuss the following main topics:


  • The current market status and the perspectives of the sustainable finance on the capital markets
  • The impact of the European regulations on the development of the sustainable finance on the capital markets
  • The impact of the war in Ukraine and REPower EU on the ESG capital markets instruments
  • Types of ESG capital markets instruments and differences with traditional capital markets financings
  • Preparing an ESG financing on the capital markets
  • The benefits and risks (including greenwashing) of sustainable finance on the capital markets
  • Will the ESG instruments become the new “normal”?


All these topics will be addressed by the moderator Cristian Hostiuc, Editorial Director of Ziarul Financiar, together with the guests of the videoconference:

  • Iuliana Musat – Senior Director Investment Banking, Raiffeisen Bank S.A.
  • Irina Neacsu – Executive Director Corporate Finance, BRD Groupe Societe Generale
  • Iuliana Tiba – Environment Social and Positive Impact Financing Division Director, BRD Groupe Societe Generale
  • Kibii Sisulu -  Director Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions
  • Karsten Wöckener – Executive Partner, White & Case LLP
  • Simona Petrisor – Partner, Bondoc si Asociatii SCA
  • Diana Ispas – Partner, Bondoc si Asociatii SCA



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