Iuliana Musat este in prezent Senior Director in Departamentul de Investment Banking al Raiffeisen Bank Romania, cu o vasta experienta in domeniul financiar bancar, in special piata de capital si proiecte de fuziuni si achizitii.
Este aboslventa a Universitatii Politehnice Bucuresti, Facultatea de Aeronave si a Academiei de Studii Economice cu specializarea Finante, Banci si Piete de Capital, iar din 2002 detine si calitatea de membru ACCA (FCCA).
Iuliana are o cariera de peste 25 de ani in domeniul financiar, primii 18 ani fiind dedicati zonei financiar contabile, ocupand pozitii de Financial Controller, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) si COO (Chief operating officer) in companii activand in sectoare de activitate diverse precum fabricarea produselor electronice si elctrocasnice, publicitate si media, intermediere piete de capital.
Incepand cu anul 2014, s-a dedicat consultantei pentru proiecte de piata de capital si M&A, fiind responsabila cu definirea conceptelor investitionale si prezentarea acestora catre investitori, coordonarea subscontractorilor (avocati, auditori, agentii de relatii publice etc.) organizarea proceselor de subscriere publica si plasamente private precum si gestionarea unor activitati post IPO, de ex. stabilizarea post listare a preturilor actiunilor.
In calitatea sa de COO si consultant, Iuliana a luat parte la cele mai mari proiecte de piata de capital din Romania, cu instrumente financiare de tip actiuni (de ex. IPO-urile Transelectrica, Transgaz, Romgaz, Electrica, MedLife, Digi Communications, Sphera Franchise Group, Purcari), de tip obligatiuni (de ex. obligatiunile verzi emise de Raiffeisen Bank, cele ale Libra Internet Bank, Programul de obligatiuni al Primariei Bucuresti si refinantarile ulterioare, programul Fidelis al Ministerului de Finante Publice) dar a coordonat si proiecte de fuziuni si achizitii ( de ex. vanzarea subsidiarelor din Romania ale Wirecard S.I.H. Gmbh)
With her extensive experience in the banking financial field, especially the capital market and mergers and acquisitions projects, Iuliana Musat is currently acting as Senior Director in the Investment Banking Department of Raiffeisen Bank Romania,
She is a graduate of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering and the Academy of Economic Studies with major in in Finance, Banking and Capital Markets, and since 2002 she has been a member of the ACCA (FCCA).
Iuliana has a career of over 25 years in the financial sector, the first 18 years being dedicated to the financial accounting area, holding different positions from Financial Controller to CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and COO (Chief operating officer) in companies operating in various sectors such as manufacture of electronic and household appliances, advertising and media, capital markets.
Since 2014, she has been dedicated to consulting for capital market and M&A projects, being responsible for defining investment concepts and presenting them to investors, coordinating subcontractors (lawyers, auditors, public relations agencies, etc.), organizing public subscription processes and investments in private placements and public offers as well as the management of post IPO activities, e.g. post-listing stabilization of stock prices.
In her capacity as COO and consultant, Iuliana took part in the largest capital market projects in Romania, with equity (e.g. IPOs Transelectrica, Transgaz, Romgaz, Electrica, MedLife, Digi Communications, Sphera Franchise Group, Purcari), fixed income securities (e.g. green bonds issued by Raiffeisen Bank, Libra Internet Bank, City of Bucharest Bond Program and subsequent refinancings, Fidelis program of the Ministry of Public Finance) but also coordinated projects of mergers and acquisitions (e.g. sale of Romanian subsidiaries of Wirecard SIH Gmbh)