ZF Capital Markets, 4th Edition
Investment strategies for troubled times: how can we protect our Bucharest Stock Exchange portfolios? What will it take to restart the IPO market? How do we attract investors? What projects are on the agenda?
08:00-08:45 Înregistrarea participanţilor & Welcome coffee
08:45-09:00 Opening speech by the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director, Ziarul Financiar, Sorin Pîslaru, editor-in-chief, Liviu Popescu, journalist
09:00-09:25 One-on-one with Alexandru Petrescu, President, Financial Supervisory Authority
09:25-09:50 One-on-one with Government/ Ministry of Finance – TBC
09:50-10:10 One-on-one with Markus Melchart, Sales Director Austria & CEE, Invesco Asset Management
10:10-10:30 One-on-one with Adrien Forrest, Senior Market Strategist, Goldman Sachs Asset Management London – Zoom
10:30-10:50 One-on-one with Petr Koblic, CEO, Prague Stock Exchange, Zoom
10:50-11:10 One-on-one with Radu Hanga, President, Bucharest Stock Exchange
11:10-12:20 Architects of the Capital Market: How to Navigate Turbulent Waters, in Terms of Both Investment-Wise and Decision-Making?
- Adrian Tănase, CEO, Bucharest Stock Exchange
- Mihai Purcărea, CEO, BRD Asset Management
- Gerke Witteveen, CEO, NN Pensii
- Costin Brumă, Broker, Swiss Capital
- Mihail Ion, Vice President, Markets, Investment Banking and Personal Financial Planning, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
- Raluca Nicolescu, CFO, Banca de Investitii si Dezvoltare (BID)
- Bogdan Zincă, Head of contracting unit, Treasury and Public Debt Department, Ministry of Finance
12:20-12:40 One-on-one with Horia Păcurar, Branch Manager, NAGA Romania
12:40-13:30 Companies facing the challenges of 2025: How are they adapting to a turbulent year ahead?
- Răzvan Popescu, CEO, Romgaz
- Dorin Preda, Deputy CEO, MedLife
- Károly Borbély, CEO, Hidroelectrica
- Aurel Bernat, Executive Director of Financial Institutions and Investor Relations, Banca Transilvania
- Rudolf Vizental, CEO & co-founder, ROCA Investments
- Mihai Logofătu, CEO Bittnet Group
13:30-14:00 Lunch & Netorking
14:00-15:00 Risk Management in a Volatile World: how to accelerate growth in 2025 through the capital market?
- Zuzanna Kurek, Founder, Cornerstone Communications
- Gabriel Aldea, Head of Brokerage, Investimental
- Mihaela Bîciu, CEO, Investimental
- Loredana Chitu, Partner & Head of the Capital Markets, Dentons
- Peter de Boer, Board Member & IR Manager, DN Agrar Group
- Mihai Tudor, CEO, Simtel Team
15:00-15:15 One-on-one with Mihai Precup, State Secretary, Prime Minister's Chancellery of Romania
15:15-16:10 From private to public: the benefits and challenges of going public. Who's ready for the stock exchange and what do companies stand to gain?
- Luc Vansteenkiste, Chairman, EuropeanIssuers – Zoom
- Daniela Maior (Şerban), President, ARIR & Partner, VERTIK
- Daniela Secară, CEO, BT Capital Partners
- Adrian Racoviţă, CEO, Microfruits
- Marius Dan, Co-founder, Tudor Tailor
- Liviu Sima, Co-founder, IT Genetics
16:10-16:30 One-on-one with Klaus della Torre, Managing Director, ODDO BHF Austria Branch & Stefan Maxian, Director Equity Capital Markets, Raiffeisen Bank International
16.30-16.50 One-on-one with Đivo Pulitika, Fund Manager, InterCapital Asset Management
16:50-17:10 One-on-one with Charles-Henry Monchau, Chief Investment Officer & Member of the Executive Committee, Syz Group – Zoom
17:10-17:30 One-on-one with Éric Mijot, Head of Global Equity Strategy, Amundi Investment Institute – Zoom
17:30-18:30 Navigating the Unknown: How Fund Managers Stay Ahead in a Volatile World
- Dan Dascăl, CEO, BT Asset Management
- Horia Braun, CEO, Erste Asset Management
- Milan Pruşan, Country Head, Goldman Sachs Asset Management
- Adrian Negru, CEO, Raiffeisen Asset Management
- Horia Gustă, President, Association of Fund Managers
18:30-19:30 Wine & Networking