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ZF Capital Markets Summit, 2nd Edition, 13 martie 2023: Bucharest Stock Exchange, a unique opportunity in 2023. Regional overview
Panels are scheduled for Eastern European Time (UTC/GMT+2)
8:30-9:00 Registration&welcome coffee
9:00-9:10 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc (editorial director Ziarul Financiar), Sorin Pislaru (editor-in-chief ZF), Liviu Popescu, Tibi Oprea (ZF)
9:10-9:20 Opening with Gabriel Grădinescu, Vice-President, Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) – confirmed
9:20-9:40 One on one with Radu Hanga, President of the Board of Directors, Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) – confirmed
9:40-10:00 One on one with Ştefan Nanu, Head of the State Treasury, about the Fidelis government bond issues, financing and investor appetite – confirmed
10:00-11:00 The Regional Overview, Part 1: Stock exchanges in the region one year after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine
- Ivana Gažić, President of the Management Board, Zagreb Stock Exchange – confirmed
- Marek Dietl, President of the Management Board, Warsaw Stock Exchange – confirmed
- James Ashley, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management – confirmed
- Radu Hanga, President of the board of directors, Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) – confirmed
11:00 -12:20 Next steps to attract investors on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and how to maintain them. Will an increasing number of listed companies bring new investors and liquidity?
- Horia Gustă, President, Romanian Mutual Funds Association (AAF) – confirmed
- Cosmin Păunescu, Head of Prudential Supervision Unit, Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) – confirmed
- Andrei Diaconescu, Co-founder & Executive member of the Board of directors, One United Properties – confirmed
- Dragoş Dărăbuţ, Senior Investment Manger Agista – confirmed
- Vlad Pintilie, deputy CEO BTCP - confirmed
- Călin Ionescu, CEO of Romanian restaurant operator Sphera Franchise Group - confirmed
12:20-13:30 Listed companies, Part 1: Investment budgets for 2023 and next steps for growth. What does a possible slowdown in inflation mean for business investment?
- Alina Popa, CFO, OMV Petrom – confirmed
- Cristian Logofătu, Board member, Bittnet Group – confirmed
- Victor Gânsac, CEO, SafeTech Innovations – confirmed
- Gabriel Ţecheră, Director of Corporate Governance & IR, Transport Trade Services – confirmed
- Stefan Vuza, President Chimcomplex - confirmed
13:30-14:10 Lunch&networking
14:10-15:20 Listed companies, Part 2, further steps of development: Which are the growth opportunities for young wolves of BSE, the AeRO companies
- Peter de Boer, board member & IR Manager, DN Agrar Group – confirmed
- Vlad Bodea, Executive Board Member, Co-founder Bento – confirmed
- Daniel Ilinca, Founder and CEO, Softbinator Technologies – confirmed
- Alexandru Dobre, Equity Research, TradeVille – confirmed
- Iulian Nedea, co-founder and CEO, Simtel- confirmed
15:20-16:20 The Regional Overview, Part 2: Investors sentiment and concrete external actions for the development of the regional and Romanian market
- Ivan Kurtović, CEO, InterCapital Asset Management – confirmed via zoom
- Eglé Fredriksson, Portfolio Manager, East Capital Asset Management - confirned via zoom
- Victor Căpitanu, Co-founder & Executive member of the Board of directors, One United Properties – confirmed
- Răzvan Butucaru, Partner, Financial Services & Advisory Leader, Mazars Romania - confirmed
- Zuzanna Kurek, Founder, Cornerstone Communications – confirmed
- Danut Burtan, Manager Customer Service - - confirmed
16:20-17:40 Follow the market movers: where do the ones holding billions of euros see the investment opportunity in Romania
- Aurel Bernat, CEO, BT Asset Management – confirmed
- Milan Prusan, Country Head, Goldman Sachs AM, Romania – confirmed
- Ioan Gheorghiu, Deputy Manager, Amundi Asset Management – confirmed
- Horia Braun, CEO, Erste Asset Management – confirmed
- Mihai Purcărea, CEO, BRD Asset Management – confirmed
- Dan Popovici, CEO, OTP Asset Management – confirmed
- Andrei Gemeneanu, Managing Partner, Morphosis Capital - confirmed
- Reprezentant One United Properties
17:40-17:50 Closing remarks from ZF hosts
- Ivan Kurtović, CEO, InterCapital Asset Management – confirmed via zoom
- Eglé Fredriksson, Portfolio Manager, East Capital Asset Management confirmed via zoom