„Estimarea noastră de creştere pe întreg anul este de 1,2%, dar este posibil ca această creştere…
The Mobile Revolution
09.00-09.30 Welcome Guests
09.30-09.35 Welcome Speech Ziarul Financiar
Cristian Hostiuc, director editorial Ziarul Financiar
Cristian Hostiuc, director editorial Ziarul Financiar
Adrian Seceleanu, editor Business Hi-Tech Ziarul Financiar
Ioana Niţă, Redactor Ziarul Financiar
09.40-10.00 Cătălin Marinescu, Preşedinte Autoritatea Naţională de Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii (ANCOM)
10.00-11.30 Panel CEO telecom. Driving the change
• Jean Francois Fallacher, CEO, Orange România
• Robert Redeleanu, CEO, UPC România
• Ravinder Takkar, CEO, Vodafone România
• Ovidiu Ghiman, Director Executiv Comercial Segment Business, Telekom Romania
• Valentin Popoviciu, Vicepreşedinte RCS&RDS
11.30-11.45 Coffee break
11.45-12.00 What’s next for the largest independent cable operator
Dinu Malacopol, CEO Digital Cable Systems (AKTA)
12.00-12.15 International Digital Marketing Strategies
• Mihaela Păun, Global Online Business Director Bitdefender
12.15-13.15 Moving on to the new age of payments
• Cătălin Creţu, Director Regional pentru România, Croaţia şi Slovenia Visa Europe
• Roxana Petre, Director Produse şi Canale alternative, BRD Groupe Société Générale
• Felix Crişan, cofondator Netopia
13.15-13.45 The online food market. Lessons to be drawn, how far can it go
• Radu Bălăceanu, Country Manager, Foodpanda
• Mihai Anghel, Business Developer & Co-Founder GloriaFood
• Vladi Davtchev, Acţionar Oliviera.ro
13.45-14.15 Tax & Legal challenges in the mobile-enabled business models
• Andreea Mitiriţă, Director, Servicii de Consultanţă Fiscală, PwC România
• Sorin Biban, Senior Tax Manager, Biriş Goran
14.15-15.00 Lunch
Shaping de future for classical businesses
09.00-09.30 Welcome coffee
09.30 – 09.35 Welcome Speech ZIARUL FINANCIAR
Cristian Hostiuc, director editorial Ziarul Financiar
Cristian Hostiuc, director editorial Ziarul Financiar
Adrian Seceleanu, editor Business Hi-Tech Ziarul Financiar
Ioana Niţă, Redactor Ziarul Financiar
09.35-10.00 Sorin Grindeanu, Ministrul pentru Societatea Informaţională
10.00-10.10 UPC Exclusive Launch @ ZF Digital
10.10-11.15 How will the TV and Video Viewing Change in the next 5 years
• Victoria Davies, VP, Country Manager, Discovery Europa de Sud-Est
• Bogdan Bucurei, Director Marketing, UPC România
• Ovidiu Ghiman, Director Executiv Comercial Segment Business, Telekom Romania
• Mădălina Popescu, Head of Operations HBO România, Director financiar HBO România şi HBO Bulgaria
11.15-12.15 How will the services center industry grow from 90.000 to 150.000 employees
• Cătălina Dodu, Country Manager Atos România
• Veronica Cristea-Nanu, HR Business Partner, Huawei Technologies
• Grégory Rondin, Director Pentalog Bucureşti
• Iulian Minea, FSI Account Manager, Microsoft Romania
12.15-12.30 Coffee break
12.30-13.30 What is the IT local marketplace worth without export and where could entrepreneurs find local specialized workforce
• Liviu Drăgan, CEO TotalSoft
• Mihaela Cracea, Avocat Coordonator, Pachiu şi Asociaţii
• Stelian Câmpianu, CEO ETA2U
• Alexandru Lăpuşan, CEO Zitec
• Voicu Oprean, CEO, Fondator Arobs Transilvania Software
• Valerica Dragomir, Director executiv Asociaţia patronală a industriei de soft şi servicii (ANIS)
13.30-14.00 Snapshot: Programmatic Advertising, Today and Tomorrow
• Dan Balotescu, Managing Director, Media Investment
• Dragos Stanca, Managing Partner Thinkdigital
• Iulian Andreescu, Engineering Director AdUnity
• Alex Visa, Interaction Director GroupM Interaction
14.00-15.00 Lunch