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ZF Power Summit 2025
Power to the Region: Turning the energy transition into industrial competitiveness and development opportunities
26-28 February, JW Marriott, Bucharest
Eastern European Time (UTC/GMT+2)
Day one, Wednesday, 26th February
Power to the region: Accelerating investments to increase competitiveness and security of supply
08:30-09:00 Welcome coffee & Înregistrarea participanţilor
09:00-09:10 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director Ziarul Financiar, Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar
09:10-09:40 One on one with Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy Romania
09:40-10:00 One on one with Mircea Fechet, Minister of Environment
10:00-10:20 One on one with Nicolas Richard, CEO ENGIE Romania
10:20-10:40 Special guest: Konstantinos Mavros, CEO PPC Renewables
10:40-11:00 One on one with Karoly Borbely, CEO Hidroelectrica (online)
11:00-11:20 One on one with Cosmin Ghiţă, CEO Nuclearelectrica
11:20-11:40 One on one with Răzvan Popescu, CEO Romgaz
11:40-12:00 One on one with Oana Ijdelea, managing partener IJDELEA & Asociaţii
12:00 – 12:20 One on one with Gábor Mozga, CEO MOL Romania
12:20 – 12:40 One on one with Joachim Steenstrup, Global Head of External Affairs & Strategy, Eurowind Energy
12:40-14:00 The new market model: Who will live to pay the bill and how to move accessibly to smart grids (part 1)
- Alexandru Aurelian Chiriţă, CEO Electrica
- Volker Raffel, CEO E.ON Romania
- Miguel Antonio JIMÉNEZ, Chief Executive Officer, AJ Brand
- Mihai Tudor, CEO Simtel
- Cleopatra Leahu, Deputy Managing Partner Suciu Partners
- Elena Gheorghe, Country Manager PayU GPO Romania
14:00-14:20 One on one with Manuela Trisnevschi, Head of Energy & Utilities BCR
14:20 – 14:40 One on one with Mark Beacom, CEO BSOG, General Manager BSOG Energy
14:40-16:15 The new market model: Who will live to pay the bill and how to move accessibly to smart grids (part 2)
- Ondrej Safar, CEO Evryo (online)
- Dan Mateas, Director Network Development, DEER
- George Agafitei, Head of Institutional Affairs and Regulatory, PPC
- Dana Daraban, executive director, ACUE
- Radu Mustaţă, Energy & Power Development Leader, Marsh, CEE Central
- Dan Flesariu, CEO Wiren Investments
16:15 Closing remarks
16:15-17:15 Lunch &Wine networking
Day two, Thursday, 27th February
The Greenovation Day: Challenges in reaching safely and affordably the climate goals through green energy
08:30-09:00 Welcome coffee & Înregistrarea participanţilor
09:00-09:05 Opening speech from Sorin Pislaru, editor in chief Ziarul Financiar
09:05-09:30 One on one with George Niculescu president ANRE
09:30-10:00 One on one with Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom
10:00-10:20 Special guest Ivan Geliukh, Chief Executive Officer DRI
10:20-10:40 One on one with Olivier Swaay, Director Power and Renewables, ING. A low-carbon economy powered by renewables: mission impossible or a win-win scenario?
10:40-12:15 Financing energy transition investments in global turbulence: How can green energy make Europe great again?
Special guest: Marcin Lewenstein, InnoEnergy Innovation Officer
- Mihaela Mihailescu, Deputy Head of Romania, EBRD
- Marius Cara, Head of EIB Group Office, Romania
- Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer for Romania at IFC - International Finance Corporation
- Iustinian Captariu, partener, Kinstellar
- Anca Ilin, Head of Project Finance Desk, BCR
- Lucian Dumitru, Tax Partner, Forvis Mazars
- Magda Raducanu, special counsel, Kinstellar
12:15-12:30 One on one with Cristian Buzan, Executive Vice President, ENGIE Romania. The future of green energy: breaking barriers and unlocking investments
12:30-12:45 One on one with Adrian Stan - Founder and Chairman of the Board AJ BRAND
12:45 – 13:00 Specialist’s corner: Monica Iancu & Cosmin Stăvaru, Bondoc & Asociaţii
13:00-14:30 Gearing up for a record year: Green investments, storage, financing opportunities
- Sebastian Enache, head of M&A Monsson
- Miruna Suciu, Managing Partner Suciu Partners
- Adrian Paraschiv, Country Manager România, Photomate
- Ciprian Bodiu, Chief Sales Officer, Parapet
- Alexandra Floricică, Head of Sustainable Development Unit, Procredit Bank
- Vardosanidze Zviadi, General Manager, GrECo Specialty Energy, Power & Mining Management
- Evangelos Makrygiannis, Technical Sales Manager Southeastern Europe at JinkoSolar
- Razvan Copoiu, Deputy CEO, Enevo
14:30-14:45 One on one with Rafał Hajduk, Chief Commercial Officer, R.Power (online)
14:45-16:15 Overcoming the challenges: Unlock investments, PPAs, CfDs, legal improvements in green energy
- Liesbeth Switten, Secretary General, Association of Issuing Bodies (online)
- Natalija Ljubic, Manager, PPA & BESS Transactions, Pexapark AG (online)
- Ruxandra Bologa, Partener, NNDKP
- George Dragne, Head of Business Development, Risk & Broking, WTW Romania
- Oana Bâra, head of financing programs BCR
- Christian Leonte, CEO WALDEVAR Holding
- Dan Prodan, CEO Vienna Energy
- Filipe Dias, Country Manager, Greenvolt
16:15-17:00 Wind of change: Steps for transforming the wind offshore potential of the Black Sea into real business
- Alex Gospodinov, CEO Hooracán Energy
- Adrian Bucica, senior adviser Green Ducklings (online)
- Raluca Gabor, Regulatory and Public Affairs, FEL Romania
17:00 Closing remarks
17:00-18:00 Lunch &Wine networking
Day three, Friday, 28th February
The rise of new technologies and the need of creating new consumption opportunities
09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee & Înregistrarea participanţilor
09:30-09:35 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director Ziarul Financiar, Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar
09:35-10:00 One on one with Bogdan-Gruia IVAN, Minister of Economy, Digitalisation, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (TBC)
10:00-11:50 Energy transition and industrial survival: How do we make them work together?
- Adrian Polec, owner Prime Batteries Technology
- Nikolay Belchev, CEO Expur
- Johann Christof, CEO, Christof Industries Global
- David Alb, CEO Senneville
- Theodor Livinshi, managing partner, Partenerg
- Cătălin Stancu, associated senior expert, Horváth
- Iulia Meiroşu, CFO Enexus Renewables
- Daniel Apostol, director general, FPE
11:50-12:00 One on one with Rebecca Marina, counsel Filip & Company
12:00–13:00 The new breed of consumers: Who will need the power unlocked by the energy transition?
- Mihai Manole, managing partner al Tema Energy
- Stephen Beard, global head of data centers, Knight Frank
- Cosmin Georgescu, CEO ClusterPower
- Gabriel Tache, Country Sales Manager RO, BG,MD, Eaton Electric
- Victor Gavrila, project manager, EFdeN
13:00-14:30 New fuel for a new economy: The revival of the mining industry in the energy transition era
- Ionuț-Sorin Banciu, vice president, National Regulatory Authority in the Mining, Petroleum and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
- Marius Gubernat, director, Integrated Management Department, Salrom
- Rolf Kuby, Director General of Euromines (online)
- Alexandru Roşu, CEO, Verde Magnesium
- Irina Patrahau, Strategic Analyst Raw Materials, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (online)
14:30 – Closing remarks
14:30-15:30 Lunch &Wine networking