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ZF Power Summit 2024
Now for 2030: How do we accelerate safely and affordably on the energy transition path in uncertain times
27-29 February, JW Marriott, Bucharest
Eastern European Time (UTC/GMT+2)
Day one, Tuesday, 27th February
The energy transition day: the right way for a bright future of energy
08:00 – 09:00 Coffee break and networking
09:00-09:10 Opening speech
- Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar, energy journalist
- Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director Ziarul Financiar
09:10-09:40 One on one
- Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy Romania
09:40-10:10 Keynote speaker.
- George Stassis, President & CEO PPC Group
10:10-10:40 One on one
- Nicolas Richard, CEO ENGIE Romania
10:40-11:10 One on one
- Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom
11:10-11:40 One on one
- Oana Ijdelea, managing partener IJDELEA & Asociaţii
11:40-12:00 One on one
- Manuela Trisnevschi, Head of Energy & Utilities BCR
12:00-12:20 One on one
- Karoly Borbely, CEO Hidroelectrica
12:20-12:40 One on one
- Răzvan Popescu, CEO Romgaz
12:40-13:10 The power debate. How do we relaunch investments in uncertain times
- Joachim Steenstrup, Director, External Affairs and Strategy Eurowind Energy
- Radu Mustaţă, Energy & Power Leader for Central CEE, Marsh
- Ana Radnev, partner, banking & finance, CMS
13:10-13:40 One on one
- Cosmin Ghiţă, CEO Nuclearelectrica
13:40-13:55 One on one
- Giles Dickson, CEO WindEurope. Prospects for wind energy, onshore and offshore, for the region
13:55 – 14:10 One on one
- Monica Iancu si Cosmin Stăvaru, partners Bondoc si Asociatii
14:10 – 14:50 The energy security debate. Unlocking the resources and building the bridges to accelerate the energy transition.
- Mark Beacom, CEO BSOG
- Ion Sterian, CEO Transgaz
- Vasile Cârstea, general manager, Depogaz
- Robert-Eugeniu CIOCIOI, president, ACROPO
14:50-15:50 The new market model debate. How do we unlock investments and protect the energy consumer?
- George Niculescu, president ANRE
- George Vişan, energy market division, Transelectrica
- Claudia Griech, general manager E.ON Energie Romania
- Mihaela Rodica Suciu, general manager, DEER
- Ondrej Safar, CEO CEZ Romania
- Alexandru Aurelian Chiriţă, CEO Electrica
- Bogdan Belciu, Co-founder and Partner, Valorem Business Advisory
15:50-16:00 Closing remarks first day
16:00-17:00 Lunch & networking
Day two, Wednesday, 28th February
The Green Day: How do we safely scale up renewables?
08:00- 09:00 Coffee break & networking
09:00-09:05 Opening speech
- Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar, energy journalist
- Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director Ziarul Financiar
09:05 – 09:20 One on one
- Diego Hernandez Diaz, parter Energy Solutions, McKinsey
09:20-09:30 One on one
- Varinia Radu, Partner, Deputy Head of EPC, CEE | Head of Energy and Projects, Romania | Head of Oil & Gas, CEE CMS
09:30 – 11:00 The renewables debate. Part one: Flexibility of networks, consumption predictions, investment integration, accelerating for 2030
- Lăcrămioara Diaconu, country manager, OX2 Romania
- Adrian Paraschiv, country manager Romania & Rep. Moldova, Photomate
- Georg Hotar, CEO Photon Energy
- Alina Stancu Bîrsan, Partener Filip & Company
- Zsuzsa Bereschi, Principal, Energy & Utilities, Horváth
- Adrian Tiţa, CEO ANT Energy, SIMTEL
- Gabriel Tache, General Manager, Eaton Romania
11:00-11:15 One one one
- Corneliu Bodea, CEO Adrem
11:15-12:30 The green challenges debate. How do we switch from hesitations to real investments? Legislation, financing instruments, opportunities
- Doru Voicu, strategy director, Renovatio
- Cristian Buzan, deputy general manager ENGIE Romania
- Roxana Mircea, managing partner REI Grup
- Ciprian Bodiu, chief sales officer, Parapet
- Oana Bâra, head of financing programs BCR
- Gabriela Cacerea, Partener NNDKP
- Lucian Enaru, country general manager Schneider Electric
- Giacomo Billi, CEO Alive Capital
12:30 – 14:00 The renewables debate. Part two: Flexibility of networks, consumption predictions, investment integration, accelerating for 2030
- Favi Stelian, CEO Nofar Energy Romania
- Mirel Jarnea, business development manager SEE, LONGi
- Liviu Gavrilă, vice-president RWEA
- Andrei Manea, executive director, RPIA
- Iustinian Captariu, Partner Kinstellar
- Alexandra Floricică, Head of Sustainable Development, ProCredit
- Valentin Bârgău, VP of Corporate Operations, Restart Energy One
- Dana Daraban, ACUE executive director
14:00 – 15:00 The prosumer debate. Moving from single prosumers to energy islands and hybrid energy projects
- Eugen Butoarcă, chairman of the board, Distributie Oltenia
- Viorel Alicuş, director ANRE
- Claudiu Butacu, president EFdeN
- Mihai Toader Pasti, founder ÎntreVecini
- Andrei Clecan, lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (online)
15:00 – 16:00 The hydrogen debate. What’s the future of hydrogen and how do we finance the projects?
- Mirela Atanasiu, Head of Unit Operations and Communications, Clean Hydrogen Partnership (online)
- Ionuţ Cristian Ciubotaru, Vice President for Business Development, OMV Petrom
- Siobhan McGarry, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission (online)
- Rareş Hurghiş, Executive Director FEL România
- Alexandru Floriştean, director Hy Legal (online)
- Vlad Stoicescu, president, Sustainable Fuel Association
16:00 Closing remarks second day
16:00-17:00 Lunch & networking
Day three, Thursday, 29th February
The Electrifying Day: New technologies and the electrification of economies
08:00- 09:00 Coffee break & networking
09:00 -09:05 Opening speech
- Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar, energy journalist
- Cristian Hostiuc, editorial director Ziarul Financiar
09:05-10:30 The electrification debate. How do we move the economy from other fuels to power?
- Mircea Fechet, Minister of Environment
- Teodora Preoteasa, secretar de stat, MIPE
- Lucian Ioan Rus, secretar de stat, Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatu
- Mădălina Ivănică, deputy head of unit, DG Grow (online)
- Ştefan Vuza, chairman of the board, Chimcomplex Borzesti
- Mihai Drăghici, partner, EY România
- Gabriel Ioniţă Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Axionet
10:30-12:00 The rise of new technologies debate. How do we create jobs and economic growth on the energy transition path
- Adrian Polec, owner Prime Batteries Technology
- Marin Constantin, president of the Scientific Council, RATEN
- Dan Ştefănică, head of EU Projects, The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)
- Olivian Savin, Marketing & Communication Manager FEL România
- Florina Sora, Head of CO₂ Storage Office, ANRM
- Szabolcs Nemes, managing partner, Roland Berger
12:00-13:30 Romania 2030 debate. Will the energy transition help Romania double its GDP by 2030?
- Ştefan Gadola, chairman of the board, EnergoBit (online)
- Adrian Cătălin Bulboacă, managing partner, Bulboacă & Asociatii
- Răzvan Mustaţă, dean, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University (online)
- Horia Necula, vice-rector, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest
13:30 – 14:00 Closing remarks third day
14:00- 15:00 Lunch & networking